
Gas Prices Soaring!

Bill just called from the Atlanta area, announcing with horror, that gas prices have breached $6 and Columbus has reportedly run out of gas all together.



Apple music event set for Sept 7

"1,000 Songs in Your Pocket" was just the beginning...



Newsday.com: Idle brain invites dementia

Some research indicates daydreaming may be involved and indicative of Alzheimers. This is not good for your's truly - I daydream constantly - it's one of my favorite pastimes. Guess I know what I'll be doing when I'm in a home.


CNN.com - Preparing for the end of 'Will & Grace'

Is this the end of 'Will & Grace and the presence of gays on mainstream television?! And with the development of LOGO, will the networks pass on gay characters, insisting there is a network for that?

Granted, 'Will & Grace' have had better seasons but look at the big picture. The landscape is slowly changing, but is it for the good?

Its here!

Google Talk

It is a Windows only program, but the service isn't. Which means Mac users can log into it with iChat - one less program to have open and taking up space! Instructions are here/


Mini is getting a family

According to Autoblog, the next generation Mini will have seven different bodystyles to choose from - mostly from a longer wheelbase. There is even speculation of a truck model - if thats what you're into.


Holy Crapola!

You can now rent a van for $20 from IKEA to take your stuff home. Perfect for hip urbanites who don't have the room in their little car to get that entertainment center home. Awesome!



Via Powered By Gay.

We've been invaded

The house is currently under siege by renegade crickets. They blare their propaganda radio seemingly from the walls, hiding among the shadows, chasing us to the relative safety of the second floor. Kitty Xavier has been working hard to fight the terrorists - capturing rebels and torturing them for information. Those who don't give up information, are systematically dismembered and on occasion eaten (if I don't get to them in time). We recently discovered a barren battlefield in a remote section of the basement littered with bodies, it was a heinous scene of devastation. And as we surveyed the area, the rebel call could still be heard from nearby but nothing could be seen.

Rumors persist of a possible escalation in the fighting, with the possible use of chemical WMD.



Alright, call me gullible but I really thought Jerry Hall's Kept man was going to have to perform as such for at least a little while. But that doesn't seem to be the case made apparent on the winner of VH1's The Kept, Seth's blog. Sure, he got the money, but he left the next day after the wrap party was over and then it was off to Hollywood for the guy to spend and drink his way back to the sucky life he was living beforehand.

So those questions about what they would do on a rainy day were total bullshit. I'm dissappointed - but the show was fun to watch.


Alright, call me gullible but I really thought Jerry Hall's Kept man was going to have to perform as such for at least a little while. But that doesn't seem to be the case made apparent on the winner of VH1's The Kept, Seth's blog. Sure, he got the money, but he left the next day after the wrap party was over and then it was off to Hollywood for the guy to spend and drink his way back to the sucky life he was living beforehand.

So those questions about what they would do on a rainy day were total bullshit. I'm dissappointed - but the show was fun to watch.



Engadget is reporting on speculation that Google is planning network a massive Google WiFi network and will serve up Google Local ads to support it. Kind of makes sense in terms of boosting their local search and AdSense services - and damn you know it will be either free or really cheap as everthing else they do.

I love tech rumors - they get me up in the morning.


The WTF Moment of the Day

Its a Purr Detector because, you know, its so hard to tell if the cat likes you.


towleroad: CWFA: Starbucks Promoting Homosexual Agenda

Here's something positive about Starbucks - seems their cups include some positive messages the gay community can appreciate - though apparently the "Concerned Women for America" don't. towleroad fills in on the details including means to send a thank you to "Empire."

Fox News owner plans Internet expansion

Ok, we all know Murcdoch bought MySpace a few weeks ago, but now it seems he's planning to buy up even more properties - including a controlling stake in a search engine company.  No mention which company, but if its Google - we're all F'ed!!


Umm, this isn't good

It seems that perhaps one in 25 dads might be raising another man's kids.  The article is more about the health risks involved of not knowing one's genetic history - but um, damn this isn't good.  And they theorize the rates could be even higher as paternity testing continues to become more prevalent.



It's in the dictionary now boys!

"Podcast" has been added to the America lexicon.  Take that Microsoft and your doomed "blogcast."  haha!



The end of QAF

Queer as Folk came to an end on Sunday night (I didn't catch it until last night - thanks Tivo). It was your typical last episode - all the loose ends were tied up neatly, most everyone got just what we wanted, quarels were settled and life moved forward. It was a good ending for the show I think, the pre-show was a little bit of a tear jerker - reflecting on its past and the impact it had on television. I know not everyone thought highly of the show - to be honest I wasn't always a fan - but it had its qualities in the good and the bad. I'll miss the characters I regained from watching this year, after avoiding it last season. All in all, it was good - but I fear the community may not have such a voice for awhile again. We do have Logo - and though it has some good shows - nothing to the extent of buzz QAF garnered.

Just when we need it the most.

Team achieves over 100 MPG in Toyota Prius

Um, this is just almost incomprehensible.  This team achieved an average of 110 mpg, driving over 1400 miles, of which 8 hours was spent driving with the low fuel light on.  I can't imagine driving that long with the light on - I break into a severe sweat if my light goes on even if I know a station is nearby.  Unfortunately this news doesn't give much for real-world use since they were taking advantage of the hybrid system and driving at low speeds, but I think it gives us a glimpse of the possibilities as technology improves.  Too bad Detroit doesn't seem to be joining the evolution.



Surround Sound Headphones

I'm not sure if there are already surround sound headphones, but I think these sound pretty damn cool.  And they're only 50 bucks - not too shabby.



The softer side of Starbucks

Ok, so not everyone really likes Starbucks, call them an evil empire eventhough we all know the evil empire is Microsoft. People always seem to bring up fair-trade coffee when arguing against Starbucks, eventhough you can buy the stuff in the stores. They are taking on a different angle, in helping supply drinkable water throughout the third world. Now obviously we all know bottled water is a scam - heard on the radio this week that it can have more bacteria in it than tap but thats another story - but now this $9.8 billion dollar industry can start doing some good besides making the rich richer.


And the winner is...

Seth!! I've like the guy since the beginning of VH1's "Kept" in which Jerry Hall has a contest to pick her kept-man. She picked the cute, funny guy with nothing to lose. Austen was alright, be seriously not the cool cat Seth was. That "inquisition" killed my nerves.

First family of Windows Vista viruses unleashed

Macworld is reporting the first family of Windows Vista viruses has been released. I'm thinking this is a bad omen. "Most security experts had not expected to see a Windows Vista virus so soon, Hyppönen said. “The only surprise here is that it came so early,” he said. “It’s been eight days since the beta of the operating system was out.” Honestly people, what were you expecting?! The security of Mac OS X - which has been out for several years already and still no virii anywhere to be found.

M&M's targets adults with mega-sized candies - Aug. 4, 2005

Apparently adults prefer bigger M&M's - but the adult-themed colors crack me up. How damn boring!!


Apple - Mighty Mouse

Hell just froze over! Apple just came out with the Mighty Mouse, a multi-button mouse that is really something unique - and bless their hearts by keeping its looks. A regular design-fuck-you.


"Sicko" already making headlines...

...and filming hasn't even started. One can only hope that Moore's movie might finally be what brings a flood of reform to the broken American health care system.

Moore Says Doc[umentary] Already Has HMOs Spooked - Yahoo! News

Dan Rather:

"The difference between love and sex is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug."

Smartmoney.com: Esquire Magazine: What I've Learned: Dan Rather

Dark Water

The Japanese version sucks!! I can't believe we watched the whole thing - thinking that an any moment the plot development would end and the horror movie would start but no. No that didn't happen, not even a real climax one could get behind. I hope, hope the new Hollywood version fixed all the mistakes and made a real movie.