Work was just a bevy of nightmares these past two weeks. Two major deadlines within days of each other - and the bigger the project and tighter the deadline = the more things that go wrong. And my late nights in the office were completely surpassed by one of my co-workers who was there almost non-stop. I can tell my homework this week suffered a little bit, not too much that I'm going to do bad in the course, but enough to disappoint myself. Ofcourse the week was focused on distribution, not one of the most delightful aspects of marketing thats for sure.
On top of it, our new printer for the office isn't connected to the network just yet - so that means lots of running back and forth between buildings to get anything printed in color. What fun - but it works out since sort of since I haven't made it to the gym in a while. I haven't been doing horrible on that front - just maintaining my current wait during all these late nights and 'some' poor eating - but I swear I watched it.
Holy crap I have to teach myself Flash quick fast and in a hurry. I'm the resident tech-guy at work, so that means anything 'fancy' means I'm it. Not to complain though, looks cool and should be interesting.