
The end of QAF

Queer as Folk came to an end on Sunday night (I didn't catch it until last night - thanks Tivo). It was your typical last episode - all the loose ends were tied up neatly, most everyone got just what we wanted, quarels were settled and life moved forward. It was a good ending for the show I think, the pre-show was a little bit of a tear jerker - reflecting on its past and the impact it had on television. I know not everyone thought highly of the show - to be honest I wasn't always a fan - but it had its qualities in the good and the bad. I'll miss the characters I regained from watching this year, after avoiding it last season. All in all, it was good - but I fear the community may not have such a voice for awhile again. We do have Logo - and though it has some good shows - nothing to the extent of buzz QAF garnered.

Just when we need it the most.

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