
Way to go McCain! I don't like you, but I definitely don't like Romney.


Visionary Arts & Yin Yin said...

Aloha, I hadn't seen this - Yes We Can - it hits the heart of optimism and uplifts my spirit from the frequency of over whelm. Thanks for putting it on your site. Singing the speech. I used to make operas with the text in Sunday Funny Papers but, this is more uplifting.

Aloha, JJ in Hawaii

Visionary Arts & Yin Yin said...

Aloha, I hadn't seen this - Yes We Can - it hits the heart of optimism and uplifts my spirit from the frequency of over whelm. Thanks for putting it on your site. Singing the speech. I used to make operas with the text in Sunday Funny Papers but, this is more uplifting.

Aloha, JJ in Hawaii