
A list of Fears -

I think I have Social Anxiety Disorder.

For the past few months, ever since I became aware of such a condition, I've been doing some research on Social Anxiety Disorder. Apparently its believed to be the third most common psychological disorder in America, and I'm pretty sure I have it. Basically sufferes experience intense, debilitating fear of social interactions. And since I have a lot of time on my hands I've been doing a lot of critical thinking about my 'fears.' So I thought I'd put down in text for posterity sake, besides its getting hard remembering everything.

1. Well first off I'm totally uncomfortable with the phone, I almost never call anyone and people are truly lucky when I pick up - Thank goodness for caller ID. My immediate family and a select few people are excluded from this aversion.
2. I really dislike people seeing me doing household chores - I don't have a problem doing them, just don't want anyone to see me.

3. Making eye contact with other drivers.

4. Public restroom - specifically No. 2 when other people are on the room. It used to be I couldn't at all using a public flusher, but I've managed to come a little further.

5. Speaking with absolute strangers - ie. flirting. I just won't do - doesn't matter how many drinks I've had.

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