
"I see on the t.v. screens how hard it is."

I just don't know what to do with that comment. First of all I thought he was a President that didn't read the paper, which I thought meant he didn't pay attention to the news at all. Secondly we don't see in the news all the body bags coming home, we haven't seen footage of American soldiers recovering in our hospitals all mamed and disfigured. I recall hearing on the radio the other day that for every one America soldier killed, seven more are injured. That means some 7000+ Americans have been injured and some of those I'm sure are pretty serious.

Bush says he understands how hard it is by what he sees on tv. But Kerry can say he knows how hard it is from actual EXPERIENCE. Since we're in the war already, we need a President who actually understands the meaning of war on a personal level. And thats John Kerry.

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